Patty & Bun James Street (March 2013)

The current fad for ‘posh burgers’ is a good one, obvious given that the burger arguably constitutes the ultimate comfort food and democratic in that it at appeals to almost everyone. Moreover, any restaurant that has a queue outside it prior to opening its doors at 12 must clearly be on to something. Patty & Bun did not disappoint. Simplicity is part of the beauty of this place, a choice of just six burgers, brisk yet efficient service, perfect for an enjoyable and quick eat at lunchtime. Each burger is given an eclectic-sounding name, perhaps a bit contrived, but then the main event here is the food not the nomenclature. I opted for the “Lambshank Redemption” burger, which contained a juicy lamb patty (very moist and not at all fatty), which was combined with an interesting and original set of fillings (coriander and chilli, braised red cabbage, cumin aioli and feta) that worked well. One of the restaurant’s points of differentiation is that its eponymous bun is in fact a brioche, a very nice touch, which only served to boost the comfort-food factor. My dining comrades were similarly impressed with their choices. If only such restaurants could invent a device which stopped some of the filling falling out while eating and this would be a perfect experience!